The Most Expansive Coffee : "Kopi Luwak"

The coffee fame in Java is believed from myth in the past, when the coffee plantation was opened large-scale during the reign of the Dutch East Indies until the decade of the 1950s, where there was still a lot of animals like civet. People used to name it the Java Drink.

Coffee Luwak / Civet Coffee is a type of coffee where the coffee beans have been eaten and passed through the digestive tract of animals called civet. This kind of coffee has been known to overseas. Even in the United States, there is a cafe or a shop that sells Kopi Luwak (Civet Coffee) with quite expensive price. Coffee from civet droppings could reach U.S. $ 100 per 450 grams. In Indonesia, this most expansive coffee was about Rp 900.000 ( almost U.S $100 ) per cup. But nowadays there are more people sell Kopi Luwak with competitive price.

Mongoose animal delighted to find the best quality fruits including coffee beans as their food. The mongoose only eat the best red cherry of coffee beans, after eating discarded along with feces, which previously fermented in the mongoose stomach. Coffee beans like this, in the past often hunted by the farmers, because it is believed that the coffee beans are instinctively selected by the mongoose which are the best coffee beans and fermented naturally. And according to belief, this Luwak coffee taste is extremely different and special among the fans and connoisseurs of coffee. The fans of Kopi Luwak feel their body healthier and fresher after drinking Kopi Luwak.

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